Private Internet Access supports Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality

Today, July 12th, 2017 is a special day. Browsing around the internet you may have noticed that many websites have messaging directing you to leave comments about net neutrality with FCC. This coordinated day of action is thanks to Fight for the Future, Demand Progress, and Free Press. The FCC has been receiving millions of … Continue reading “Private Internet Access supports Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality”


  • Jul 11, 2017
  • Caleb Chen
  • General Privacy News, Governments,

Defend the open internet: Tomorrow is the Internet’s Net Neutrality Day of Action

Tomorrow, on July 12th, the Internet will commemorate a Net Neutrality Day of Action to stand up for net neutrality in the United States. Net Neutrality is the idea that internet service providers (ISPs) should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products, services, or … Continue reading “Defend the open internet: Tomorrow is the Internet’s Net Neutrality Day of Action”


On July 12th, the internet is planning a day of action to save net neutrality, just like the SOPA blackout and Internet Slowdown

On July 12th, Private Internet Access will join other technology companies in a day of action to save net neutrality. Companies supporting the Battle for the Net day of action include Github, Mozilla, Kickstarter, Etsy, Amazon, Vimeo, BitTorrent, and many more. July 12th was chosen because it is days before the end of the first FCC … Continue reading “On July 12th, the internet is planning a day of action to save net neutrality, just like the SOPA blackout and Internet Slowdown”