Victims of Identity Theft & Online Fraud - US 2017-2018:
Don't be part of this statistic!
Use a personal VPN from Private Internet Access
Online Banking Fraud
and Identity Theft
Many people think that online banking fraud and identity theft only happen to other people. In reality you may be just one click away from being a victim to a cyber attack while using Internet banking and checking your credit card statements online. With Private Internet Access VPN service, your data and personal information is kept safe as it moves through a secure tunnel that is invisible to hackers.
Register today and be worry-free while conducting any bank transactions - even on public WiFi. We’ve got you covered!
Bez rizika. 30 dnevna garancija povrata novca
500 GB pohrane u oblaku na usluzi pCloud (biyearly)
¹ Ponuda vrijedi samo za nove kupce
Svi iznosi izraženi su u USD, a svi popusti odražavaju umanjenje temeljeno na trenutnoj mjesečnoj cijeni usluge od $9.95 mjesečno
"Private Internet Access nadmašuje performanse i značajke konkurencije" - 
VPN značajke
Blokirajte oglase, trackere i zlonamjerne softvere
Jednostavan za korištenje
Target | Walmart | Best Buy | i još 71 brend
Šifrirajte sav svoj internetski
promet i koristite sigurnu, zaštićenu IP adresu.
Zaštitite svoj identitet pomoću
anonimne VPN IP adrese.
Koristite PIA i stopite se s
Enkripcija vas štiti,
čak i na javnoj Wi-Fi mreži.
Recite zbogom geografskim
ograničenjima. Uz PIA putujte bez brige
Puni necenzurirani pristup
pravom internetu. Konačno.