Help Build a Better Private Internet Access: Take the Private Internet Access Survey

Posted on Mar 9, 2018 by PIA Team
private internet access announcement

To our beloved users,

This is your chance to help build a better Private Internet Access.

We want to make sure we’re offering the best service possible, and to attain this goal we need your feedback. Take our survey and let us know when and how you use Private Internet Access. Your answers will directly impact the planning of our product roadmap. That is to say, this is your opportunity to help shape the future of Private Internet Access.

How to take the Private Internet Access survey

1) Login to the Client Control Panel on
2) Scroll to the bottom of the Client Control Panel and click “Take Survey”
3) Also consider joining our mobile and desktop beta programs!

We are looking forward to reading your feedback and integrating new changes to build a better Private Internet Access. This is to the future: See you all there!

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  1. Bart

    I’ve been using PIA for years and have recommended it to a good many people. The #1 thing that keeps me from recommending it to most people in my network is the lack of Netflix/Amazon Prime compatability. That’s just too big a deal for too many users, and PIA has to get it figured out. The #2 biggest issue is lack of stealth protocols. PIA has to figure out how to evade the Great Firewall of China. If PIA solves those two things, it will really be in a position to take a commanding lead in the VPN business.

    7 years ago
  2. hp

    Glad to help you so I took the survey.
    But please find something else for the “I am not a robot” thing. I am really fed up to help training Google AI.

    7 years ago