Tell your representatives today to save net neutrality by supporting the Save the Internet Act of 2019

Posted on Mar 25, 2019 by Caleb Chen
save the internet act of 2019

Supporters of net neutrality in America need to mobilize this week as the legislative battle to bring back net neutrality heats up. The current front runner in saving net neutrality is none other than HR 1644, also known as the “Save the Internet Act of 2019.” The full text of HR 1644 can be found here. The proposed law will enter a moment of truth this coming week. Starting March 26th, the Save the Internet Act will go through committee markup.

Earlier this month, members of Congress led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer announced the introduction of the Save the Internet Act which would reverse the repeal of the Open Internet Order that ended net neutrality rules in 2017. Since 2017, without net neutrality protections, internet customers  in the United States have been at the mercy of their internet service providers (ISPs).

Contact your representative and urge them to Save the Internet

This isn’t the first time that there have been efforts to restore net neutrality, though political experts are heralding this most recent push as a key policy point for the 2020 Presidential election. With the Save the Internet Act, the decision about net neutrality is now in the hands of elected officials again, instead of appointed FCC officials that have proven less than receptive.

The action starts March 26th at 10:00AM Eastern time as the bill will go through its first markup session. Now is the most crucial time to reach out to your representatives and tell them to “save the internet.” Fight for the Future has organized materials to make it easy to send an effective message to your politician. Visit and to see how you can do your part in saving net neutrality. Come March 26th, watch the livestream below: