Private Internet Access to temporarily remove Mexico VPN exit gateway

Posted on Jun 23, 2020 by Private Internet Access

Private Internet Access is removing its Mexico VPN server from our VPN network. We are leaving the Mexico region temporarily as we seek a new data center partner to work with.  In the past, we have had to remove exit gateways as a result of various reasons including changing regulations or government actions. Since the closing of our Mexico exit gateway is not related to government requests or a change in law, Private Internet Access is planning to offer a Mexico exit gateway in the future. Mexico has been a highly requested VPN exit gateway location and our users can rest assured that we will bring the exit gateway back with a reliable data center partner as soon as possible.

Private Internet Access VPN Server Expansion continues

Recent improvements to the Private Internet Access VPN network include the introduction of NextGen VPN Servers as well as the addition of geo-located VPN servers. The spread of our VPN servers has increased drastically in the last year and we are not done expanding yet. Stay tuned for more information on when our Mexico exit gateway will return and other VPN network updates. You can view the current server locations and count on our Private Internet Access Network Page.

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  1. Robert E Stewart

    That is disappointing and I hope a new server is found quickly. For me have a Mexico server to pay my bills online in Mexico was the only reason I bought PIA. Some of the websites will only allow me to access them behind a Mexican server.

    4 years ago
    1. Caleb Chen

      You can currently use the geo-located Mexico region! Stay tuned for more updates.

      4 years ago
  2. Del

    Add Marty Byrde Gateway for Ozarks please.

    4 years ago
  3. Evelyn

    Add Taiwanese servers pleaaaaase.

    4 years ago
  4. Noone

    El Salvador gateway pls

    4 years ago